this is the place where i poured stories of my life, my thoughts, my feelings also my ideas.
there's excitement, sadness, laugh, desperate, anger, happiness, and other kind emotions.
i just hope that we can learn something..

Saturday, January 19, 2008

i'm a leviphilia

today i choose to write about my self,
and something i'm --kinda--addicted to.
i used to chat/log in with the name levisgurl because i am a levi's girl.
i am mad about levi's.
i'm a leviphilia.
my lil brother said i'm addicted.
i didn't argue, he's right.
i had the syndrome since i was in highschool.
i bought my first pair of levi's -817 series,
pretty expensive for me back then..
color navy, now faded-
and i can't take my mind of levi's and tetek bengeknya ever since...

btw, ampe sekarang -more than 10 years later- tu celana masih ada,
semakin belel dan semakin okay...
too bad gw gak bisa sering2 pake karena bagian lututnya udah sobek
dan menganga mamerin lutut gw
-my mom always complained everytime i'm wearing it-

sekarang, tercatat gw punya belasan pasang levi's,
baru maupun lama yang masih sering gw pake...
too bad di koleksi lv di indo rada terbatas dan gk selengkap di europe or as,
sakit hati deh tiap liat di web ada ladies tee/denim dress/pants yang lucu2 banget
eg. green vintage tee di pic tp sayangnya gk masuk indo
juga ada ladies jacket yang kereeeeeeeeen banget tapi mustahil gw miliki.
untungnya ada joe di holland,
jd kapan hari gw dibawain tshirt limited edition yg gk masuk indo..
mas2 dan mbak2 di levi's store jakarta aja pada sirik krn gk pernah liat yg kaya punya gw..

pernah ada masa-masa kegelapan when i was very big
-i hate the word FAT-
and i had to bought several number bigger than i used to wear..
but since i shrunk my self several numbers,
i can't wear my fat pants anymore cuz they're too big so i gave them away...
bye bye my old friends!!

i was sad but not that sad
--wink! wink!--
karena, model2 yang baru gak kalah keren
malah banyak yang spesifik ladies punya, bukan yang unisex lagi...
belakangan kan muncul ladies style yg rata2 hipster (flattering women's curves)
kalian tau kan, tubuh pria dan wanita emang beda...
udah gitu ada pula yg pake benang warna warni..

ada yang pake tempelan diamante..
dan yg paling keren yg back pocketnya itu bukan kotak as usual,
melainkan bentuk L-O-V-E alias hati..

levi's keluaran terbaru semakin ramah lingkungan,
katanya sih pake bahan2 kapas maupun pewarna yg eco-friendly..
pengen liat tp di sorowako mau liat dimana?

anyway, salah satu obsesi hedon gw adalah
selain pengen punya koleksi lengkap
gw juga pengen punya sahamnya levi's... (ha! wishful thinking banget!!)
gimana caranya yaaaaa? (teteeeeuuuppp!!)
i must find out!! (kekeeeuuuuhhh!!)
it's gonna be my first time jadi pemegang sahamnya something gituuuu hehehehe

dan gk ketinggalan,
dr dulu gw punya one wish for sure -selain perdamaian dunia- :
levi's bikin baby or kids clothing line...
it's done!
i saw them when i was in singapore (entah masuk indo ato kagak)..
and they're so cuuuuuute..
sayang dulu gw kecepetan lahir,
jd gk bisa pake baju2 yg keren..


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