this is the place where i poured stories of my life, my thoughts, my feelings also my ideas.
there's excitement, sadness, laugh, desperate, anger, happiness, and other kind emotions.
i just hope that we can learn something..

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Earth Hour 2011

This was our family's very first year to participate  in Earth Hour.  I planned some unplugged activities for our family to participate, from day to night time.  We spent the day just like any other weekend (mostly outside the house and minimizing electricity usage because we unplugged all the appliances except the fridge and ricewarmer).

We had brunch at the Innaloo Shopping Centre because we need to sign a new contract for our mobile phones account at Optus Counter, then we went for a walk at the Kings Park and playing a bit at Jolimont Park, and then attend the afternoon mass at St Joseph Subiaco. Then we went home for dinner and then going out again, this time to the foreshore of South Perth, to capture images of Perth CBD during the Earth Hour.

From its debut in one city in one country in 2007 - Sydney, Australia – 2.2 million individuals turned their lights off to take a stand against climate change, Earth Hour has become a truly global movement, embracing 128 countries and territories in 2010. At 8.30pm on Saturday March 26th, 2011 millions of people around the world (glad we're one of them) will turn out the lights for Earth Hour. This awareness movement is intended to get people talking about the importance of reducing human impact on the Earth. 

We met some people at the Mill Point foreshore. Some had picnic, some of them walks their dogs, some guys fishing at the Swan River, some of them took pictures just like us. We saw some boat and ferries crossing the river. There are partying people on the (chartered) ferry, some just cruising in the dark. Yes it was dark in the foreshore Mill Point because the lights of Kwinana Bridge was off, only dimmed lights from the street and passing cars and train that crossing the bridge.

The CBD during The Earth Hour

Noelle did not seem bored during Earth Hour, she was busily pointing at the sky and said "Stars" and dancing and jumping. I saw the Ursa Minor Constelation and pointed to her. It looked so clear because of minimal lights from the city. Then we (read as ME) sang "Twinkle Twinkle", and theme song of "In The Night Garden" show which says "The night is black, and the stars are bright and the sea is dark and deep".. It was her favourite lullaby, and she doodle on her palm just like in the show. 

We got several pictures, before, during and after the Earth Hour. Most buildings turned off their name sign, including Perth landmarks like Bell Tower and Supreme Court Building. 

The CBD after the Earth Hour

Some people said, Earth Hour is useless, will not make a difference. But I turn off our lights for one hour, as a vote for our planet against global warming.  Despite how you feel about the politically-charged issue of global warming, I am convinced energy conservation is a good thing for our planet, our society, and our personal economies. Earth Hour also provides an excellent opportunity for families to enjoy one of my favorite frugal ideas.

Our Earth Hour was fun, it was cheap but meaningful because I got some quality time with my family. I am determined to do this annually, and as often as we can to saving the energy. I also wanted Noelle to understand what we were doing and why it is important for us to participate in Earth Hour. 

Save the Earth. Together we can. 

Monday, April 25, 2011

covered button

Today I made two covered button. The fabric is the same with this necklace. It was my first time making covered button and turn out it was fun and easy. The fabric was quite sheer so I need to put one layer of thick jersey to cover the metal base, and to make it a bit textured. 

I use them as pendant and hairclip. My friends told me to sell them, but I need more practising before going serious in selling my handmade products. 


Sunday, April 24, 2011

Fabric Necklace

I found this lovely top at thrift shop, it was a bit pricey, AUD 10.99.. I was shopping with my friend Monica, and she even asked the girl at the register why does the top overpriced. The girl said it was because of the material is some kind of special fabric. Yeah, I know.. It was 100% cotton, so thin and light and see through, flowy and thinner than cotton voile. I bought the top anyway, because the moment I saw it on the clothes rack I know exactly what it will reborn to. 

This is the top.. Size (marked) M top, but it was teeny tiny, it was like XS.. there were pulled seams, I think the previous owner was gaining a lot of weight but insist to squeeze into this lovely top.. 

Ballooned long sleeve meaning lots of fabric :) 

Complicated pattern on the bodice with squared neckline, row of covered buttons, and a bit ruffled hem, it was a gorgeous, floaty and supergirly top.. I think the wearer must put on something like camisole or bodysuit underneath this top.. 

The brand was Cherry Lane Melbourne, the fabric (and maybe the garment) was Made in India. 

And after a few snip in here and stitches in there, tie in here and there in less than one hour, I got one gorgeous necklace. Still got lots of fabric, I can make about 6-8 more of this. 

And the bodice is still intact, I put it on Noelle and she got boho look with the bodice, it became a floaty vest. I might make it as her vest, but I need to adjust the armhole and reinforce the seams that has been pulled due to the thin material.. 


Thursday, April 14, 2011

Skull Bag, refashioned from skirt

Another refashion project, skirt to bag.. 

As I have wrote long long a go, I like skull images, and when I saw this H&M skull skirt on a thrift shop, I snatched it right away because I got a premonition that the skirt will be reborn as a bag. It was a teeny tiny skirt, and the lady on the register got questioning look because there was no way I can squeeze in to that skirt. I paid  AUD4, washed it and tried it. Label stated size UK36 which will be suitable for AU10 or small 12, while I am a larger 12. But the fabric was medium cotton with 2% elastane, so it stretches a bit and it fits! YAY! But of course I have to suck my -used to have abs but now bulging- belly or the skirt will riding up north.. Another reason to grab the scissors and start prepped the pieces. 

Here's the before photo : pleated skirt with skull pattern all over 

Prepped the pieces : black canvas for interior and pockets, bias tape, cotton webbing strap, hardware for adjusting the strap, magnetic snap and keystrap. At this point I have sewn back the H&M care label to the black lining..

Finished bag : not bad for my first attempt making messenger bag/diaper bag without commercial pattern. I use this bag as inspiration but I added width and pockets and lining to make the skull bag more interesting. Too bad the original skirt was too short and the unpicked pleats still shown on the flap eventhough I have washed/ironed/steamed the fabric over and over.. :(  My husband said my bag looked great, especially the adjustable doublesided strap. Well, if he like it so much, we can use it as a nappy bag and he will got the chance to use the bag, IF we got other baby..

I made two extendable pockets in front of the bag (covered by the flap), I can put my coin purse, mobile, candy, even noelle's AVENT 260ml bottle.. I also sew keystrap and 2 pockets inside the bag, suitable for my wallet, pen, mobile or pocket camera.

Can't wait to showcase my new handmade skull bag..


Sunday, April 10, 2011

The tale of a (thrifty) Hungarian bag

Once upon a time, there was a bag that looked like this belong to someone in Far Far Away..
She got bored with the bag and threw it away/donate it
until it arrived in my country, Never-Never Land..
I spotted it in a flea market in Makassar, year of 2000.
It looked gorgeous, peeking under hundreds other bags from Far Far Away.
I took it home with me after paid Rp5000, or about 60c.
I washed it with hot water to kill all the germs, and washed it again and again, until it feels right.
Then I use it to carry my books to uni, to hang out with my friends, to the market with my mom.
In the year of 2004, I was working as journalist, and I felt that tote bag was un-practical.
So I chopped the strap, put another long webbing strap on both side
and the bag became a sling bag.
But, the wool material was pulled to the north a bit,
maybe because of me, or the previous owner loves to carry it with load of stuff in it..
You can see in the next picture, the bag looked uneven right?

So, aesthetically my eyes hurt because of those pulled area, and finally I do the deed.
I have to save my thrifty Hungarian Bag!
When I am done, I love it before, I love it even more now.. :)

This is the embroidery that makes me smile.
I am not a girly girl, but I can't help smiling when I see this gorgeous flowers.

The labels sewn inside says "Made in Hungary", "Hand Embroidery" and "55%wool 45% cotton".
Even the labels was handwritten!!! :)

Somebody put a lot of effort in this bag, and I determined to save it till death do us part.
I use black canvas for outer part, red canvas for lining, black cotton for pockets,
and as the result I got one very interesting bag.

My first encounter with magnetic snaps.
It's easy!

The interior of the bag. Love the red and black combo.
Love the roomy pockets, for my pocket camera and cellphone.

I managed to sewn back the labels :)

And to make the timing perfect, it's autumn here in down under.
This woolen bag is just the perfect match for the season.

I am glad that I saved my gorgeous-hand embroidered-thrifty-Hungarian-Bag
from going to landfill
because now the bag and I live happily ever after.

The End.

Saturday, April 09, 2011

Perkedel Tahu

Tahu merupakan salah satu hasil olahan kacang kedelai yang dikenal sebagai makanan super karena tinggi protein dan komposisi asam aminonya paling lengkap. Harga yang lebih murah daripada daging merah maupun produk unggas, membuat masyarakat cenderung lebih memilih mengkonsumsi tahu sebagai bahan makanan pengganti protein hewani untuk memenuhi kebutuhan gizi.

Pada tahu terdapat berbagai macam kandungan gizi, seperti protein, lemak, karbohidrat, kalori dan mineral, fosfor, vitamin B-kompleks seperti thiamin, riboflavin,  vitamin E, vitamin B12, kalium dan kalsium (yang bermanfaat mendukung terbentuknya kerangka tulang). Dan paling penting, dengan kandungan sekitar 80% asam lemak tak jenuh tahu tidak banyak mengandung kolesterol, sehingga sangat aman bagi kesehatan jantung. Bahkan karena kandungan hidrat arang dan kalorinya yang rendah, tahu merupakan salah satu menu diet rendah kalori.

Di balik kelezatannya, tahu menyimpan khasiat medis tersendiri. Sebuah studi oleh tim medis dari Kanada membuktikan bahwa tahu dapat menurunkan kolesterol jahat dalam tubuh. Studi yang dipublikasikan di American Journal of Clinical Nutrition dilakukan pada 55 orang lelaki dan perempuan usia setengah baya yang mengidap kolesterol tinggi.
Setelah mengikuti diet sehat, partisan tersebut diikutkan pada pola makan beragam, mulai dari kacang almond, tahu, sayuran mentah, dan jenis makanan kedelai lain. Setelah setahun, kolesterol mereka diukur. Hasilnya, mereka yang mengonsumsi tahu mengalami penurunan kolesterol lebih besar dibanding kelompok pengonsumsi makanan lain. Penurunan ini dapat mencapai 10-20 persen.

Selain menurunkan kolesterol, tahu juga terbukti dapat mencegah kanker payudara. Mereka yang mengonsumsi tahu 25 persen lebih banyak mengalami peningkatan pembentukan estrogen dibanding yang tidak. Tekanan darah mereka juga lebih rendah ketimbang kelompok yang tidak mengonsumsi tahu.

Rahasia khasiat tahu ternyata ada pada kandungan isoflavon yang mengandung hormon estrogen. Selain mencegah kanker payudara, isoflavon juga memperlambat proses penuaan pada perempuan. Isoflavon bukan hanya terkandung dalam tahu melainkan juga pada semua makanan berbahan dasar kedelai seperti tempe, susu kedelai, kecap, dan sejenisnya. (dari berbagai sumber).

Buat yang vegan maupun non vegan, perkedel tahu ini enak buat camilan bergizi maupun lauk makan. Bahan2nya gampang, cara membuatnya sederhana.. Silahkan mencoba ya..

300 g tahu putih (kalau dapat hard tofu bs langsung dipakai, kalau dapatnya silken tofu dikukus dulu spy jadi padat)
75 g wortel (potong dadu 0.5x0.5x0.5cm)
1 batang daun bawang, iris halus
75 g jagung pipilan
1 sdm bawang merah goreng, haluskan
1 sdm bawang putih goreng, haluskan
1 butir telur ayam
1/2 sdt merica bubuk (sesuai selera)
1 sdt garam (sesuai selera)
1 sdm tepung terigu
2 sdm tepung beras
minyak goreng baru

Cara membuat:
Tekan-tekan tahu putih hingga seluruh airnya keluar.
Haluskan tahu lalu campur dengan semua bahan hingga rata.
Bentuk adonan sesuai selera. 
Goreng dalam minyak panas dan banyak hingga kuning kecokelatan.
Angkat dan tiriskan.

Wednesday, April 06, 2011

batik tulis dress..

Finally, I braced myself and made a batik tulis dress for me last week.. Usually I only refashioned tired batik skirt, tablecloth or cheap batik. Working with batik tulis was a bit scary because batik tulis is a unique and a bit pricey fabric.. I bought the fabric like a year a go, it was named Cala Culu. Sounds funny, eh?

I did not use any commercial pattern for this maxi dress, as usual I sketch the idea on a paper then marked the fabric with calk and start cutting. For this dress, I only make raglan bodice/raglan sleeve with neck binding, and rectangle for the bottom part. Then I make casing for elastic to avoid bolster look when wearing this dress.

I tried to use all the fabric, including narrow border one side which I use as the sleeves. I make darts to shape the sleeves because I avoid ruffle/flutter sleeve. It turns great and I love the sleeve. In my opinion, this dress was a great concept, but badly executioned. The neck binding is too wide, so I can not bow when wearing this dress unless I want my boobs popping out from the dress :D and the gathering on the chest is uneven, and but un-noticable if I wear it on the night.

I managed to hand-embroidered "Handmade by Glenda" but the result was horrible. In my defence, I was sleepy but insist to finished everything before I went to bed.

I really want to picked the neckbinding and shorten it a bit to make it more wearable, but not now. I am not finish cursing my self... *sigh*