this is the place where i poured stories of my life, my thoughts, my feelings also my ideas.
there's excitement, sadness, laugh, desperate, anger, happiness, and other kind emotions.
i just hope that we can learn something..

Friday, August 28, 2009

father's day interview..

In honour of Father's Day (which will be celebrated in Oz by first Sunday of September), we have a chat with inspiring dad and project engineer, Okto Samosir, father of Noelle, 8mth.

How has your life changed since becoming a dad?
My life changed beautifully. More joy to my little family since her presence. I become more organized and have gained more strength to work harder so my child can live a better life and reach her dream.

What do you wish you'd been told about fatherhood?
I don’t know. I think I’ve heard them all :-) Or maybe because I am still in the early stage of the long journey of fatherhood.

The celeb dad I admire most is..
None, I think. This thing never crossed my mind :-)

What do you love most about being a dad?
Having a beautiful girl named Noelle.

How do you juggling work life and dad's life?
Because the condition/situation is conducive, I mean, I work until 4PM every day and my house is not far from work (8-10 minutes driving) so I can still spend my time with my daughter with relatively still in fresh mind and body. On Saturday and Sunday, I can have more time with her. Overall, I don’t have any problem or difficulties in spending or arranging my time between work and my family.

How do you involve in raising and nurturing your kids?
I always try to get involved in whenever possible. Sometimes I change her diaper, feed her, putting her to sleep (mostly at night), baby-sit her while my wife cook and also took her walk around the neighbourhood if the weather is nice. I try and hope not to miss these moments.

Three words I'd use to describe me :
Game, lazy, game.

Three words (I hope) my kids would use to describe me..
Father, Friend, Idol.

The words I love to hear my child say are :
aca aca, da da, ja ja, grrr.. :-)

If you were NOT a DAD, you'd ...
Disappointed for not being a dad for Noelle. Noelle makes being a dad is a wanted job :-)

What do you most want for your kids?
I want my child to always remember God, her family & relatives, and to be happy (in a good way) on everything she decides and follows.

What advice would you give to new dads?
I don’t know if I can give the advice since I am a new dad too (8mth can be considered new). But if I have to make an advice, I would say enjoy it because in the end, there will be more joy than sorrow of being a dad.

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