this is the place where i poured stories of my life, my thoughts, my feelings also my ideas.
there's excitement, sadness, laugh, desperate, anger, happiness, and other kind emotions.
i just hope that we can learn something..

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

get a clue?

"a world-famous soccer coach has been murdered and his priceless, legendary ring has been stolen--a ring set with the stunning diamond known as the "pink panther." the french government needs a master detective to solve the crime and recover the gem--but he's not available, so the minister (dreyffous/kevin kline) recruit none other than inspector jacques clouseau (steve martin). a stunning pop star (xania/beyonce knowles), a soccer player (yves glaunt/damn i forgot the actor's name), a chinese assassin circles--but who committed the crime? and can anyone solve the case? clouseau and his partner, ponton (jean reno), must unmask the murderer and keep their boss, dreyffous, from taking credit for the victory, all without bringing the french legal system to a screeching halt" i rate the movie : *****

barusan gw nonton pink panther the movie di TIM21 ama ella.. the movie was hilarious and really ease my kinda bad day.. critanya tentang pengalaman terbaru si inspector jacques clouseau, si detektif kocak asal prancis itu "diserahi" tugas untuk menyelidiki kasus pembunuhan pelatih tim sepakbola nasional (too bad gw lupa, it's the handsome rob yang di italian job), tapi kasus itu masuk dalam pencarian sebuah berlian berharga milik bangsa lugash yang hilang "the pink panther". bener2 deh, lima menit pertama gw ma ella dah ngakak soale dari openingnya si kartun pink panther teh kurangajar thea ama si inspector.. blum adegan inspector membopong (face to face with women's private area) nicole the secretary (emily something, she's a true beau) dan segala adegan kejaiman inspector yang berbuntut petaka berkelanjutan ;-))
sebenernya komedinya slapstick banget dan gak butuh otak untuk mencerna isi ceritanya, tapi ya dasar gw manusia biasa masih doyan ngetawain orang lain yang "apes" (forgive me, dear god) ya jadilah malem ini gw cekikikan liat aksi konyol si inspector.. kekacauan udah kebayang pada menit si inspector dreyffous mau nunjuk si clouseau sebagai officer in charge dengan maksud tak terpuji.. tapi si clueless clouseau dengan "berkat tuhan" berhasil membalas niat2 buruk si dreyffous dengan ketidaksengajaan seperti waktu ngegebukin "tirai", mainin pointer, pena yang gak ditutup ampe bleber, dan jas dreyffous yang kejepit di pintu mobil bikin si atasan terseret2 ampe babak belur.. tapi sebenernya bukan si dreyffous aja yang jadi "korban" clouseau karena si clouseau juga "masokis" i mean dia juga nyusahin diri sendiri lah dengan sifat "incompetent" dan "unaware"-nya.. juga ada karakter pesepeda malang yang apes berkali2 (gw kasian ma sepedanya), juga bandit2 yang being in the wrong time and wrong place.. si clouseau tuh ngingetin gw ama karakter mr. bean yang "jinxie" tapi somehow bisa straighten things out with his own way..
yang patut gw acungin jempol tuh si jean reno yang meranin ponton, selama ini reno kan maen di film2 serius (crimson rivers) kok mau2nya.. imagine this, he wore a body suit which camouflaged himself as the curtain and wall, he even dance in it duet ama clouseau (big laugh).. selain itu juga ada clive owen (ooooh, my handsome hero) yang jadi nigel something and he's supposed to be on the movie as agent 006 hahaha pokonya bisa dibilang di film ini bertaburan bintang dan pilihan yang tepat untuk mengobati duka lara..

said the inspector before goint to NYC
later (on the first bite) he found out the hamburger
which he firstly called as "american disgusting food"
become something that he praised
and moan with pleasure

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